We love marketing quick wins – those tangible, tactical and oh so practical marketing tasks that are relatively easy to implement and can yield great results.

Although there are rarely any shortcuts to better marketing, layering quick, short-term wins within your longer-term marketing strategy can really help push things forward toward your desired result.

While there are many scenarios that may call for leveraging quick win marketing tactics, the most common revolve around increasing website traffic and converting visitors into leads. Other common quick win goals include transitioning marketing qualified leads (MQLs) into sales qualified leads (SQLs), re-engaging an existing (but quiet) database, and beefing up your social media presence.

In this post, we'll dive a little deeper into what you can do to achieve the two most common goals: driving higher quality website traffic and generating more leads.

Quick Win Tactics for Driving Website Traffic

Optimizing your website for search engines is one of the most important things you can do to drive traffic to your site. While SEO is dramatically changing and the overall user experience is critical to appeasing Google, deploying the right on-page optimization techniques can still help users find your web pages and identify the value you offer, particularly if you work in a niche industry.

Helpful website optimization techniques include:

  • Adding industry and business specific keywords to your website page titles, the URLs, H1 tags, and the alt-text of images.
  • Writing compelling meta descriptions (that also incorporate the target keyword) for each page so that when searchers see your web page listed in the search engine results, they see the message match and they're intrigued to learn more.
  • Taking advantage of local search and including keywords associated with your city or region in your URL, page titles, meta description and throughout your site content where it makes sense.
  • Publishing your website to relevant online directories, and reviewing and optimizing your current local listings. Use a tool like Moz checker to make sure your local listings are up to date.
  • Ensuring your site is optimized for mobile—research shows that 57% of mobile users will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, and 30% will abandon a purchase transaction if the shopping cart isn’t optimized for mobile devices. Here's more information on the importance of implementing a responsive website design...

Being active on social will also help drive traffic to your site. In fact, fifty-eight percent of marketers using social media report improved search rankings. Review your current inventory of resources (blogs, white papers, case studies, eBooks) and re-promote them on social networks:

  • Up to 10x per week on Twitter
  • Up to 2x or 3x per week on LinkedIn and Facebook

Invest in PPC (pay-per-click) advertising. While it's not a replacement for site optimization, consider Google AdWords if you're looking for instant search engine visibility, traffic flowing to your site and increased lead generation. According to Google, when done correctly, businesses generally make an average of $2 for every $1 they spend on AdWords. Interested in learning more about how PPC can help drive traffic to your site? Check out these resources.

Quick Win Tactics for Generating Leads

Gate resources behind a form. Creating landing pages with forms to gate your resources (i.e. white papers, recorded webinars, calculators, eBooks, etc.) is a great way to grow your email database and convert site visitors into leads.

When you "gate" content, you're asking your visitors to provide personal information like their email address before they can download a specific offer. Therefore, only gate content that has a successful value exchange, where the content is considered valuable enough that a prospect will be comfortable with giving up their information.

Refresh or repackage existing resources / content. Conduct an inventory of all your current content resources. You likely have a lot more available at your disposal than you think! This can include site content, blogs, webinars, sales presentations, videos, etc. Consider using this existing content to create new lead generation offers. Perhaps you can batch several resources and offer a downloadable “toolkit” or bundle a compilation of related blogs and spruce it up with a fresh design to create a white paper resource.

Review you current CTAs. Whether your Call-to-Action appears as a simple button, a line of text or an image, effective CTAs can have a tremendous impact on your lead generation efforts by providing visitors with purposeful direction. If you don’t have CTAs on your site, create some – and if you're already leveraging CTAs, consider these small changes to dramatically increase conversions.

  • Simplify or shorten your landing page forms.
  • Increase the visibility of your CTAs on your website by adding relevant Calls-to-Action to your most popular website pages and to all appropriate blog articles.
  • Add CTAs to the email signatures of company employees.
  • Be sure the benefit of clicking on the CTA is super clear.
  • Use actionable language like download now, subscribe here, or learn more.
  • Create a sense of urgency with deadlines, limited seats available, special promotions, etc.
  • Ensure the language and design of the CTA matches the language on the landing page to which it redirects the user.

Need help with implementing any of these quick win marketing tactics? Looking for a little more advice? Connect with our team today, and we can chat about your current marketing program.

Free Download: 9 Things Your Website Is Doing to Drive Visitors Away