B2B Marketing Tips

B2B Marketing Success Story: Quantum Workplace and PMG

Written by Liz O'Neill | July 22, 2016

Quantum Workplace has all the makings of a rock-star brand: an effective, user-friendly product; smart, service-oriented people; and a genuinely fun-loving vibe. (Check out their site. You can’t not want to work with these guys.) Since 2002, the employee feedback software company has been delighting its clients by making complex data understandable—helping organizations to retain top talent, motivate performance, and build magnetic cultures. But not long ago, many would-be customers were finding Quantum’s competitors first…

We met the Quantum folks in late 2014, and immediately recognized them as an ideal B2B marketing client. Marketing Director Hilary Wright and her content team were already driving an admirable inbound program—complete with regular blogging, lead generation offers, social media, email, and more. But they needed more bandwidth to maintain these everyday program elements and, at the same time, think strategically about long-term goals and improvements. “We need help filling in the cracks between what we know and how we should execute,” said Wright during a phone call to kick off the outsourced marketing engagement with PMG.

The Challenge

Specifically, Quantum needed help with SEO and keyword research. They were struggling to get better placement on the SERPS, and they wanted to see higher rankings for their five most important keywords.

Quantum also wanted to improve lead quality. In 2014 lead volume was great, but their percentage of marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) was not where they wanted it to be. They weren’t handing off enough prospects to sales, which meant fewer product demos, which meant fewer new customers.

The Solution

To help improve page rankings, PMG did a complete SEO analysis of the Quantum site. We looked at bounce rates and other defining metrics, analyzed keywords in conjunction with their buyer personas, and conducted a web directory review. We then provided page optimization recommendations and services. Every site page was improved with an optimized headline, URL, meta data, and prospect-focused copy updates.

On the blogging front, we provided Quantum with regular editorial calendars—including keyword-optimized titles, blog outlines/introductions, and references. Where needed, our copywriting team took ownership of blog drafting. Quantum’s own content team ran with many of the suggestions during their “heads-down” blog-a-thons.


As you can see from the infographic below, the results were striking. Quantum saw vast improvements in 2015, particularly in the areas they were targeting:

  • Quantum’s top five priority keywords advanced 20-55 spots in the SERPs.
  • All five priority keywords attained either first or second page rank.
  • The number of blog subscribers went up 300 percent.
  • Contacts generated through organic search increased by 97 percent.
  • MQLs went up 149 percent.
  • And 2015 content has been credited with helping sales team members set 60-100 percent of their meetings.

“I think the [metrics] are all results related to the work we’ve done with PMG,” confirmed Wright. “I think both the SEO recommendations for our pages and the blog editorial calendar have made major contributions to how we’re ranking in search… And I know we’ve had MQLs come in from blog posts that were part of the editorial calendar Liz has given us.” 

Quantum was also selected as a Top Three finalist for HubSpot’s 2015 Best Marketing ROI Performance award. (The award recognizes organizations for results achieved through the effective implementation of an inbound marketing strategy.) We were thrilled to celebrate this huge achievement with Hilary and team at last year’s Inbound conference.

Working with Quantum has been a treat for PMG. Not only are they capable marketers, they’re truly invested in their message: make work awesome. This year we’ve expanded our engagement to help Quantum lay the foundation for a website redesign and deliver a series of whitepapers to key audiences. Stay tuned for updates in a future success story!