Business to business (B2B) public relations (PR) and marketing are not isolated functions – they are integral to each other’s success. Many in-house or agency teams view them as siloed activities that don’t necessarily connect to one another. 

However, this narrative is definitely changing. A 2023 survey conducted by Prowly revealed that 60% of PR professionals agreed marketing would soon be better aligned with PR for the most return on investment (ROI). 

And for this exact reason, we know that there is synergy between B2B public relations and marketing. So bear with us as we offer a different approach.

Our view is that integrating your public relations strategy with your business’s more traditional marketing tactics will lead to a more cohesive presence across all of your platforms. That certainly doesn’t mean that every marketing strategy you deploy will have a PR function – but at least looking for synergy across your tactics will put you on the right path.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the intersection of PR and marketing for B2B PR to better understand how these two disciplines can collectively lead to better marketing outcomes..

But first, the basics for why we’re here.

What is B2B Public Relations? 

B2B Public Relations is a specialized subset of public relations that focuses on building and maintaining a positive image and strong relationship between a business and its potential clients, partners and other stakeholders.

Unlike traditional PR that may target the general public (e.g., consumers who need/want to buy something for themselves), B2B PR is tailored to the unique needs, challenges and interests of businesses in specific industries who are serving other businesses. This type of PR often relies on communication strategies to promote products, services and the overall brand in a way that highlights industry expertise and thought leadership.

How Does B2B Public Relations Differ from Consumer Public Relations? 

While consumer public relations targets the general public to drive broad awareness and consumer engagement, B2B public relations is more focused on cultivating relationships within the business community. 

B2B PR strategies often involve detailed technical content, whitepapers, industry-specific publications and trade shows, as compared to consumer PR, which might lean on mass media campaigns, influencer collaborations and large-scale social media promotions. 

The goal of B2B PR is to build credibility and trust amongst a professional audience, which requires a deep understanding of industry nuances.

Understanding the Intersection of B2B Public Relations and Marketing

While many may disagree, at Conveyor, we believe B2B public relations and marketing are interconnected, each playing a crucial role in a comprehensive business strategy. 

Marketing aims to directly promote products and services to drive sales, while PR focuses on building relationships and enhancing the company's reputation. When aligned properly, PR can amplify marketing messages by adding credibility through earned media, thought leadership, and by strengthening stakeholder relationships that result in better market positioning.

What is the Value of B2B Public Relations in a Marketing Strategy?

Integrating B2B public relations into your marketing strategy can significantly enhance your company's ability to reach and engage target audiences. And the ROI is certainly there…

The Public Relations Society of America conducted a study that found $5.50 is made for every $1 a business spent on PR activities. That’s more than a 500% gain.

Why does this work for companies?

Well, PR adds a layer of credibility and authority that purely marketing-driven approaches might lack. It helps in shaping industry perceptions, managing crises, introducing new products or services to the market and supporting overall brand health. 

The strategic use of PR can lead to: 

  • Increased brand visibility
  • Improved reputational strength
  • More effective marketing outcomes

13 B2B Public Relations Tactics that Boost Outcomes

When it comes to B2B public relations tactics, there are TONS you could deploy. Here are a few that we’ve seen accelerate outcomes for our clients first-hand:

  1. Strategic storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that not only inform but also emotionally connect with business audiences, showcasing the human side of your brand. For example, incorporating a PR lens into your blog writing. 

  2. Media relations: Develop ongoing relationships with key top tier and industry reporters to secure consistent media coverage that reinforces brand credibility. This requires regular pitching and strategically thinking about company work through a PR lens. 

  3. Digital PR: Levera online platforms for distributing press releases, publishing thought leadership articles and facilitating brand partnerships to boost SEO and online presence. After all, who doesn’t love a good backlink? 

  4. Event participation: Participate in, or even host, industry-specific events, trade shows and webinars to enhance direct engagement with potential clients and establish thought leadership. There may also be the opportunity to engage with relevant reporters at these events. Win win.

  5. Content syndication: Distribute existing content through various channels and platforms to extend its reach and lifespan, maximizing the visibility of your key messages.

  6. “Influencer” or key opinion leader collaborations: Partner with industry experts and influencers to create co-branded content that leverages their authority and following for mutual benefit. Many people shy away from this in the B2B space, thinking “influencers don’t work for our brand.” But are you sure of that? There is truly an influencer for every space and industry these days…give it some thought.

  7. Executive visibility: Elevate the profiles of company leaders through speaking engagements, byline articles and participation in industry panels to enhance brand trust and authority.

  8. Awards and certifications: Pursue industry awards and certifications that can be used to enhance your brand’s credibility and showcase your expertise and achievements in the field.

  9. Crisis management: Prepare and use strategic communications to manage and mitigate potential negative impacts during a crisis, preserving the integrity and trustworthiness of your brand.

  10. Internal communications: Strengthen internal communications to ensure that all employees are informed and can act as brand ambassadors in their professional networks.

  11. Community engagement: Actively participate in community events and initiatives that align with your business values to enhance local presence and societal impact.

  12. Customer testimonials and case studies: Develop and promote detailed case studies and customer testimonials to provide proof of your effectiveness and value in real-world scenarios. 

  13. Reputation monitoring and management: Watch your company’s reviews on Google (or whichever site is relevant to your brand) and respond proactively to reviews that come in. This can go a long way for your brand. Where PR comes into the mix is “how” you respond.

Measuring the Success of Integrated B2B Public Relations and Marketing Efforts

To effectively measure the impact of integrating PR with marketing, consider both qualitative and quantitative metrics:

  • Media impressions: Assess the reach of PR efforts through media coverage in both industry-specific and broad publications.
  • Lead generation: Track how PR initiatives contribute to the formation of new business leads and compare the quality and conversion rate against other marketing efforts.
  • Website visits: Following a PR tactic deployment, if a link is included to your website, measure traffic coming from that link to see if the story is resonating with the publication’s target audience.
  • Brand sentiment: Analyze changes in brand perception before and after PR campaigns.
  • Engagement rates: Look at the engagement on social media and other digital platforms to gauge the effectiveness of your digital PR tactics.

Measuring all of these things alongside the traditional metrics you’re pulling for your marketing work will demonstrate the value of adding in PR to your strategy.

Enhance Your B2B Public Relations Strategy 

To maximize the benefits of your B2B public relations efforts, ensure they are seamlessly integrated with your marketing strategy.

Keep in mind: this synergy not only improves the effectiveness of your communications but also builds a stronger, more resilient brand. Evaluate your current PR and marketing alignment, identify gaps, and adjust your strategies to support one another for maximum impact.

Need support with your B2B public relations strategy?

Conveyor Marketing Group can start with a PR audit to see where your biggest opportunities are, analyze the competitor landscape and identify whitespace opportunities where your content could shine. So what are you waiting for? Connect with us about a free PR audit today.