As an Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) firm, attracting and retaining new clients is key to success. How do you do that? By understanding that nearly every solid marketing strategy includes content marketing. 

But does content marketing work for AEC firms? Your business is technical, and more niche. Do the same rules of content marketing apply? The short answer is, yes. Not only does content marketing work for AEC firms, but having a strategic content plan can be extremely effective. 

This blog will help you understand why content marketing works for AEC firms. And, we’ll offer tips on how to propel your business forward by strategically using content marketing to advance your AEC organization.

Why content marketing makes a difference 

Right now you might be relying on word-of-mouth or a portfolio of completed projects to gain new customers for your AEC firm. That’s a great start. Next, use content marketing to help you attract even more potential clients. A simple website with little to engage your reader won’t land you many leads. The more a potential client can learn about your experience, expertise, and completed builds by viewing your content, the more likely you are to onboard new customers and projects. 

Ready to start benefiting from content marketing today? Read on to find out 4 strategies for using content marketing for AEC firms:

1. Provide quality content 

There are many ways to add content to your website. Create blogs, testimonials, FAQ pages, news sections, video content, client case studies, and white papers. Maintain an active presence on your website by constantly providing new content and engaging with readers. (Curious about what kinds of content can be useful? Read The Essential Checklist for AEC Marketing.)

Quality, though, is more important than quantity. You want your content to answer questions potential clients may have, and educate both potential and current clients. Let them know what the usual pitfalls of construction are, and how you get around them. Explain in a blog how the client-architect relationship works in the design phase.

Content should demonstrate your insider knowledge and understanding of the ins and outs of the AEC industry. Being seen as an authority could tip the scales in your favor when someone is choosing an AEC firm. Don’t be afraid to showcase your expertise. 

2. Let your subject matter shine 

You’ve got great projects under your belt, and access to some really talented subject matter experts (SMEs). Those photos of your completed builds can certainly woo readers and give them a sense of your aesthetic. But take it further by leveraging the SMEs at your company to provide thought leadership and on-point advice to your readers. After all, your SMEs understand the technicalities and nuances of your industry the best. 

Give readers insight into exactly how the members of your team and SMEs work. Write a blog about your architect’s design process. Post a white paper on how your engineer overcame a tricky challenge. Highlight the relationships you have with your trusted contractors in a guest blog post. Whatever it is that makes your company top-notch, unique, or special–share that through smart and engaging content. 

3. Know that content is a competition

Providing content means more, though, than just posting a blog on your website and hoping it gets traction. Keyword research is king, and you’ll need to push your content higher on Google than your competitor. Keywords that target your industry and your competitors can give you a serious leg up. 

It’s worth taking a look at what your competitors are doing. Which keywords are they using, and how are they ranking? Also take a look at the AEC industry as a whole. Which keywords are you seeing over and over? Find those terms, and use them when you write blogs and post content.

This behind-the-scenes work is key to a successful content marketing strategy, and search engine optimization (SEO) is a game you can’t afford to lose. AEC firms that invest in content strategy and SEO will be the ones to succeed. A potential client can’t book a project with you if he or she can’t find you. And the way they find you easily all comes back to having a solid content plan in place. Looking for more info? Check out Local SEO Checklist: How to Show Up In a Google Search.

4. Use local SEO and optimization strategies to position yourself 

This is all great advice, you’re thinking. But my business is hyper-local. So, first off: make sure your business is positioned well in Google. About 46 percent of Google searches have “local intent” (Search Engine Roundtable). If someone looks up AEC firms in your area, you want to be the top result. 

Google’s Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) tool allows you to list your business with Google so it appears in searches. You can list your hours and location, post photos and your logo, and link to your website. Doing so is free, and you can use your Business Profile to respond to reviews, send or receive direct messages, and show a list of services you offer. 

Want to dive deeper into local SEO? Learn how to put a great local SEO plan in place with our quick-start guide to local SEO

Need help putting your content strategy to work? 

We get it. You’re already stretched to the max with designing, engineering, building, and so much more. Content requires ongoing effort and is a job in itself. It’s not a quick, one-and-done project. If you’re a busy AEC business owner, outsourcing your content may be the smartest solution. 

At PMG, we understand the ins and outs of content marketing. We can help get your content and SEO strategy up and running. We can also help with website design, lead generation, HubSpot management, and sales acceleration. Connect with us today to find out more about our services. We look forward to hearing from you!