B2B Marketing Tips

How to Delight Your Customers: 7 Easy B2B Marketing Ideas

Written by Oren Smith | Marketing Manager | May 21, 2015

In the B2B world, it’s no secret that the process of selling your product or service typically takes a longer time to complete. In fact, the average sales cycle has increased by 22% over the past 5 years1 due to an increase in the number of decision makers involved in the buying process. 

Consequently, in order to seal the deal, a hefty chunk of your marketing efforts must be devoted to building and maintaining relationships with your target prospects and customers.

But B2B marketing doesn’t stop once you close a new customer! It’s an ongoing process.

In order to create a lasting positive impression with your clients, you need to absolutely delight them.

By making your current clients really happy, you are giving yourself the opportunity to cross-sell and upsell your services.

After all, most businesses spend more money to acquire a new customer than to retain an older one, right?

Ultimately, you want your current clients to become evangelists who promote your services on your behalf.

Yes, meeting deadlines, communicating effectively, and delivering the goods are obviously vital to your success.

But sometimes, the ways you can really wow your clients are manifested in the little things.

Check out these 7 simple B2B marketing ideas you can leverage to continually convey value to your current clients – and impress them time and time again.

1. Subscribe to what your clients subscribe to.

Maintain your working knowledge of their industry by reading relevant blogs, learning about trends and changes in their field, and setting up Google alerts for their industry with their company name and target keywords.

And of course, feel free to send them any pertinent information or links in which they would be interested!

2. Regularly publish a newsletter.

As of 2015, 83% of B2B marketers use eNewsletters as a content marketing tactic (Source: Content Marketing Institute).

Newsletters are an easy way to keep your clients (as well as your prospects) in the loop on a monthly or quarterly basis, providing them with company news and fresh industry insights.

You can also use this platform to recognize their awards and accomplishments or any notable projects they’ve recently completed.

3. Repost client content in social media.

First of all, make sure you are actually following all of your clients on social media.

If their material applies to your own audience by chance (or even if you’d like to simply share a message like “Check out our client’s awesome content on _____!), every now and then tweet and share your client’s blog posts, social content, offers and promotions to amplify their online visibility.

4. Ask for a testimonial.

Whether it be a quote, a case study, or a review of some kind, your favorite clients are likely to be flattered if you reach out to them for a testimonial.

Post these on your website so similar prospects can see the results you’ve delivered for your customers.

5. Host an event.

Invite your clients to a social activity with an educational twist. Depending on your audience, this could be anything from a cocktail hour or dinner to a training or seminar with a special guest.

You know what you’re customers are interested in. Just remember to always keep things professional.

6. Create new ties.

If you know someone who might be interested in your client’s services, let them know!

When appropriate, do a little networking on your customer’s behalf. They are likely to appreciate when you orchestrate introductions in a professional manner.

7. Always say “thank you!”

Most importantly, always thank your clients when they give you their time and energy. However, it doesn’t always need to be through an email.

Think about how you feel when someone spends that extra time to send you a letter. It’s nice, right? A hand-written note goes a LONG way, reinforcing that important personal connection.

These are just a few of the B2B marketing ideas you can implement in order to cultivate strong bonds with your current client contacts. Looking for more tips on how to delight your customers?

Check out our comprehensive guide on Customer Success for more relevant advice. Thanks for reading!

1 Source: MadisonLogic http://www.madisonlogic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/B2B_Journey_Infographic.pdf