B2B Marketing Tips

The Website Redesign Checklist: What Is Your Site Aesthetic Missing?

Written by Oren Smith | Marketing Manager | May 27, 2015

Your company’s website is a window into your business. It’s what creates a first and typically lasting impression of your organization’s identity and brand positioning. Consider the stats below:

  • Websites with dark color schemes experience a 2% growth rate in traffic, as opposed to only 1.3% for sites with lighter color schemes. (Source: Instant Shift)
  • 48% of people cited a website’s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business. (Source: Ironpaper)
  • 70% of people read bulleted lists (like this one…), while only 55% read lists without bullets. (Source: Nielsen Norman Group)

Naturally, you’d like your website to be easy on the eyes, but assessing your design and aesthetic is more than just making everything oh so pretty. Even with all the creative license in the world, graphic designers still need a plan of action. The following 7 website redesign checklist questions will lead you into the creative process, framing that right-brain artistry with some left-brain logic!

Are your logo and overall design modern?

This particular point is among the more subjective questions you could ask yourself – and unless you graduated with a fancy design degree, you might want another pair of eyes helping you out with this one. However, if your aesthetic hasn’t evolved since Y2K (okay, so hopefully that’s an exaggeration), it’s safe to assume it’s time for a fresh look or updated logo.

Do you need new photography and graphics?

Much like your design, your photos could be a tad dated, irrelevant, plain-looking or distracting from newer content. On a related note, when redesigning, try to avoid using boatloads of stock images displaying random people – research shows consumers are less likely to trust your brand if stock photos dominate your web pages.

Can you implement valuable infographics?

If you have mounds of insightful data laying around, do not let it go to waste! Why don’t you strategically piece together some infographics to place throughout your website? Or you can save them for a blog post or social media blast. Infographics not only attract visitors, but they also serve as great bait for inbound links that raise your domain authority score.

Is video incorporated into your website?

Video may not be your cup of tea, but it certainly brings in visitors, facilitates link building, and increases time spent on your web pages. It can’t hurt to consider your options. One resource we’ve been working with lately to produce short explainer videos for clients is Fiverr – here’s an example from our friends at Data Storage, Inc. that livens up an otherwise dry topic.

What is your color scheme – and why have you chosen these colors?

Think of your website’s color scheme as its very own mood ring. What do these colors represent and how will they be interpreted? A color scheme should be inviting, but the choices may ultimately depend on your industry. Statistically speaking, however, greens, blues and purples are the top-performing hues.

What is the tone of the language?

Not only should the language on your site reflect your company culture, it should echo with your target audience. Advising you to “keep it professional” is a bit vague. It’s more important to know your brand and understand how your linguistic choices influence a visitor’s perception. And remember, there’s a fine line between bold or quirky and tacky or off-putting.

Are you actually lacking white space?

Sometimes less is more. Don’t crowd your images and Calls-to-Action with more images and Calls-to-Action. Break your blog post pages up with bulleted lists, headlines, block quotes, and indentations to increase readability. Create focal points on your landing pages using white space. Let your stylish typography stand out against an empty backdrop. Trust us, white space is an underutilized element.

Critiquing design and aesthetic isn’t just about a look. It’s about the feel of your website – the entire presentation. Ultimately the experience visitors have on your site should reflect the same experience they would have engaging with someone from your company. As your website is often a person’s first exposure to your business, you’re aspiring to create an impression that’s not only a memorable one, but an accurate depiction of your brand and values.

Looking for more website redesign advice? Check out our free eBook: Redesign Unlocked: The 10 Keys to Reinventing Your Website.