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Our Commitment to Using AI Ethically and Responsibly

AI in marketing is not new — but today the AI tools at our fingertips play an increasingly powerful role in marketing. At Conveyor Marketing Group, we embrace the transformative potential of AI, asserting that its full power is realized when combined with human expertise.

We’re here to help you leverage the tremendous value of AI with trust and confidence.

Conveyor is dedicated to maintaining ethical standards in the application of AI solutions, as per our AI Principles. This commitment extends to upholding client trust and guiding the responsible and ethical development, deployment, and use of AI to accelerate its value.

Our preferences form is a reminder that trust is at the core of our partnership. Filling this form out means you are entrusting our agency with decisions around if and when AI tools should be leveraged to accelerate your marketing goals. CMG does not use AI tools to replace human expertise.

Certainly not. You have the freedom to select or change your preferences of generative AI-driven services at any time. We respect your choices and make it easy for you to decide when and how to leverage AI for your needs.

Not utilizing AI in marketing may result in missed opportunities and inefficiencies. For example, a manual analysis may be more time-consuming and less accurate when compared to an AI-enabled process. Furthermore, without AI-driven insights, businesses may struggle to adapt quickly to changing marketing trends and demands, potentially hindering competitiveness.

Whether you're a valued client, a prospective partner, or simply curious about our AI philosophy, we strongly encourage you to reach out to your Account Manager or a CMG team member with any questions or concerns you may have. 

Preference for Adoption of AI Tools